Who Am I?


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                Who Am I? Do I like the person I have become? Are the questions we as humans seek to answer during our lifetime. It is safe to say that some people eventually become comfortable with their personality at some point in their life whereas, others battle this question of identity for the entirety of their life. These are the questions I will attempt to answer for myself throughout the course of this short film on my life.

                 The name’s James Ekeke, Nigerian by birth, American by accent (as described by other countries). My family moved and settled in Stafford, Tx back in 2006, where I attended both Middle and High School. Growing up with strict parents is something I am coming to appreciate, though back then, I constantly disliked the iron rule I believed I was enslaved to. Whenever we misbehaved (told a lie, stole, etc), my dad would not hesitate to discipline us but after that came the question of identity, “Is this who you want to become?” The answer no was our ticket to avoid an extended discipline but eventually we began to realize that those bad habits never stuck with us now that we are all adults. As a kid, you aspire to become a lot of things, but then you begin to rule out each of those mismatched dreams as you become older and wiser as a result of the identity you begin to take on the older we get.

                The first time I asked myself the question was earlier this year, after I was accused of “toying with a girl’s heart.” I went home saddened at the lose of a friend, with the question “Is this who I want to be?” bearing heavily on my mind the rest of the weekend. That event jumped started my zeal to really “find myself” as this society tends to put it. So far, I’ve made it a point of duty to become very honest and straight forward in my dealings with people in general, in order to avoid any misunderstandings. Also, I am currently working on being a lot more open minded to every ethnic group on earth, as opposed to being the stereotypical jerk I was for most of my high school years. All in all, the phrase “Finding Oneself” is one of the biggest journey we as humans will embark on throughout our lives.

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